Transcending Your Wellness: Learn What Holds You Back | Episode 49

What holds you back from signing up for a fitness or wellness program? Do you want to start making health progress but need more confidence to take the appropriate steps?

Today Rob discusses 5 Road Blocks that keep individuals from achieving their desired wellness.

Your current priorities will create the quality of life you will experience as you age. Becoming consistent at bettering your health and wellness will lay a firm foundation to get the most out of life as you grow older. Instead of slowing down as you age, you can maintain the activities you currently enjoy. Pushing through these Road Blocks is vital to experiencing a purpose-filled and joyously active life as you age.


Jump start your fitness and learn what holds you back!


Competitive Greatness: More Than Exclusively Winning | Episode 50


Today's Big Tip For Staying On Track | Episode 48