When we think of mobility, we're talking about joint space, joint motion, the flexibility of the surrounding ligaments, and the flexibility of the surrounding muscles of a joint. A lack of mobility will not only restrict your motion, but will also waste extra energy. When we can't move the way we need to move, we will use more energy fighting against the restriction and have to compensate in another part of the body. This compensation will make us less efficient and therefore increase our energy expenditure. Ever wonder why you're fatigued at the end of the day? It could be your mobility!

Click Below to Learn More About Some of These Exercises


Pectoral Stretch

A few exercises to help with posture or numbness to the hands while working overhead. Restrictions to the front of the shoulder can be the cause of fatigue or numbness while working overhead.

Shoulder Stretch

Do you have difficulty reaching behind you to grab something from the back seat? Do you have trouble putting on your bra, tucking in your shirt or grabbing your wallet? This exercise can restore your motion and allow you to regain these abilities.

Low Back Stretch

3 Simple Ways to Help with Low Back Pain. We are working to reduce symptoms to the lumbar spine to allow you to perform the most in your day.

Knee Stretch

Improvement to knee range of motion is essential to restore the regular joint mechanics and allow you to return to normal activities. Knee flexion is the most challenging motion to gain and can be frustrating. Today we give you the absolute best way to regain knee flexion (bend) to the knee. Follow these strategies to help gain motion slowly and effectively at home.

Ankle Stretch

The biomechanics of the lower legs may lead to multiple tendonopathies or injuries. Proper stretching to the lower legs will assist with accurate execution but also identification of a restricted ankle.


Why do so many people want to work with us in our Personal Training Program? We give you all the support you need, with proven techniques, world class support and with training professionals. Click Below to see how we can help you.