The Silent Threat of Insulin Resistance: Recognizing the Signs and Taking Action

We must confront the stark reality: sugarcoating the truth does more harm than good. Pre-diabetes is not a benign stage—it's a form of diabetes.


When healthcare professionals describe someone as "pre-diabetic," it can sound reassuring, as if there's still plenty of time to change course. However, this is misleading, akin to observing, "Your house isn't on fire… it's just starting to smoke." The fact is that pre-diabetes signifies the onset of insulin resistance. This condition is often overlooked yet plays a critical role in the development of numerous chronic diseases, including heart disease, Alzheimer's, obesity, and even certain types of cancer.


How Insulin Resistance Dismantles Your Health


Insulin resistance occurs when the body's cells become less responsive to insulin, a hormone crucial for regulating blood sugar levels. As insulin's effectiveness diminishes, glucose accumulates in the bloodstream, leading to a cascade of harmful effects:

  1. Weight Gain and Distribution Issues: Those struggling with insulin resistance often find it increasingly difficult to manage their weight, particularly around the abdominal area. This stubborn belly fat is closely linked to metabolic dysfunction, making it challenging to lose weight even with strict dieting.

  2. Chronic Fatigue: People with insulin resistance frequently experience persistent fatigue and low energy levels. The body's inability to utilize glucose efficiently deprives cells of the fuel they need, resulting in profound energy crashes that can disrupt daily life.

  3. Cognitive Decline: Insulin resistance can also affect brain health, leading to symptoms such as brain fog, difficulty concentrating, and memory lapses. This cognitive decline is often dismissed as a natural part of aging but is a consequence of underlying metabolic issues.

  4. Rising Blood Pressure: Even those who adhere to a balanced diet can find their blood pressure steadily increasing. Insulin resistance can result in the retention of sodium and increased blood volume, which places additional strain on the cardiovascular system.

  5. Intense Cravings for Sugars and Carbs: Individuals battling insulin resistance often experience insatiable cravings for sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods. This is due to cells' inability to utilize glucose effectively, leaving the body in a constant state of hunger as it seeks the energy it cannot access.

  6. Increased Fat Storage and Inflammation: Insulin resistance promotes excess fat storage and heightens inflammation. This dual effect accelerates aging and increases the risk for lifestyle-related diseases.

Does this sound familiar? It's crucial to understand that these symptoms are not merely the result of aging or bad luck; they indicate insulin resistance wreaking havoc on your health. If left unaddressed, this condition can almost inevitably lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. Recognizing these signs and taking action is vital for reclaiming your health and preventing the inevitable progression toward diabetes.


This is precisely why we host our informative TOTAL HEALTH WORKSHOPS! We dive into these health conditions and explore natural solutions to tackle them before they escalate. Don't wait for issues to become full-blown—We're here to support you on your journey to better well-being, so ask us about our upcoming TOTAL HEALTH WORKSHOPS!

•          The author, Rob Sumner, is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and owner of Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy. He's happy to answer any questions about this article, wellness, fitness, or physical therapy overall by phone at (509) 684-5621 or by email at



Understanding Aging and Stability