The “Voice of Colville” Recovers from Leg Disability Thanks to Physical Therapy

When it comes to physical therapy, there’s only one team of experts for Earl to turn to...

After being involved in a chronic injury since 1987, he was left suffering from constant leg pain and an inability to move well.

Visits to the hospital and previous physical therapy offices didn’t help.

And it was only when he started treatment at the Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy did he see a difference and began the journey to good health, a proper night’s sleep, and increased mobility.

“It was government PT, so the longest I ever had was four weeks.  Sumner PT is focused on advancing, but government PT was about how many visits you get?”

Well, there’s not a lot more he could ask for... That’s why Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy is well-known and respected across the Tri-county region.

If you are like Earl and suffering from chronic pain or have tried hospital PT and don’t feel like you are getting anywhere fast, then please read on...

He added: “I did try the PTs at the government hospital, which was a waste of time.”

“It was the government, so the longest I ever had was four weeks.  Sumner PT is focused on advancing, but government PT was about how many visits you get?”

“Other PTs didn’t get to the point, they gave me a sheet of exercises to do, and it didn’t help.”


And as well as the physical benefits of his physical therapy at our clinic on Birch Avenue in Colville, other aspects of his life have improved immeasurably due to his treatment.

Earl explained: “All the muscles of the leg were basically gone.  I had to start from scratch, and between Randy, Emilee, Nessa, and the rest of the team, they just keep you looking ahead- that you can make it to the next level.”

“I look forward to coming to the sessions instead of dreading them.”

“The staff, well, I really can’t thank them enough while attending sessions here.’’

Pain-free, Earl is now looking forward to getting back to doing what he loves, things he has not been able to do while suffering from his leg pain.

He smiled: “My aim is to be able to walk well to all sporting games I do on the radio.”

“When it comes to reaching my goals, Rob has been really good.  Well, his staff have been anyway, and I’d love to meet up with him whenever he is in.  But while he’s not here the reception staff, providers and the manager are all absolutely fantastic.”

“Wow, I couldn’t have done that six months ago!  I’m seeing a healthier me.  I mean, I don’t have the anxiety or anything that I was having from being immobile.”

Of course, Earl isn’t the only one to have benefited from our expert care and dedicated, specific treatment- tailored to an individual’s needs.

There’s no one-size-fits-all outlook here, each injury is treated individually to secure a positive outcome for everyone.

Earl told of someone he knows who has also greatly benefited from a visit to Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy:

“I was talking to a gentleman who came here before I did, and he had the best experience ever, and he can now do what his goals were – drive his car, work, lay patios and it’s Rob Sumner’s team who got him there.”

“Painkillers don’t go to the cause of your problems.  Believe me, regular PT clinics are not good for PT; they don’t get to the point of it, and they do here.  Please don’t sit there dwelling, pick up the phone and call Rob’s team.”

Does this sound like you or someone you know?

If it does, we can’t emphasize the importance of seeking the correct diagnosis and treatment.

We really do sympathize with the current situation, but with waiting to get in to see your doctor at record lengths and doctor surgeries under increasing pressure, our advice is quite simple:

Please don’t allow the experience of not getting better at a Regular Physical Therapy Clinic to get in the way of getting help and let an injury affect you like it did Earl.

It’s no exaggeration to say that what may seem like a trivial matter, like leg or back pain that you think will go away by itself, can lead to a bigger problem.

If you’re reading this now and feel like you can relate, or if you want to get back to fitness and good health and get yourself fit, we are here for you.

We’d love to give you some advice and answer any questions you have.  Please arrange a free discovery consultation, complete our inquiry form or CALL us on 5096845621 to make a no-obligation inquiry.


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