The Best Way To Love Yourself! Who Said It Would Be Easy? | Episode 19
Hey Team,
How can I recognize I need to hit the reset button so I can reach my personal goals? Once I am able to recognize this, what are my next steps to take? Today Rob breaks these questions down and gives us relevant ways to move in the direction of self improvement.
We want to welcome you to our first mashed up podcast called THE CLINIC UPDATE. This is where we comb through Rob's content from the past, find his best 2 cents, and bring it back to life. In today's episode, we have cut up three different 4% Club Calls. The first session is on SELF SABOTAGE. Click here to listen in its entirety. ( The next session is titled 15 SIMPLE WAYS TO SELF IMPROVEMENT. Click here to listen to this 4% Club Call in its entirety. ( And our final 4% Club Call we cut up is on MEDITATION BENEFITS. Click here to listen to this call in its entirety.
3:02 Self Defeating Behaviors
11:25 Finding The Why?
15:05 Life Changing Self Improvement has some level of discomfort
23:02 Find Your Happy Place
25:43 Guided Imagery - Using Meditation to help me find my happy place
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