Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy

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Our Response To Covid-19

SSPT COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures

Updated: 3/29/2020


To the patients and clients of Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy,

Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy places your health and safety as our #1 priority. As new information is obtained and public policies are changing, we have updated our policies and procedures to best serve our patients and employees. We will continue operations for clinical services On April 1st, and are carefully monitoring the developing situation. We believe that continuing to participate in your physical therapy sessions will help you stay healthy by keeping your pain levels low, your activity level high, and your body strong and resilient.

Furthermore, Governor Inslee has declared physical therapy an essential business, and Dr. Matos, an expert in biologic surety and the management of select agent programs at federal facilities for Department of Homeland Security states:


“Physical therapists are essential in flattening the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic. They play a key role in keeping people they can help out of the doctor offices and ER’s. This will not only free up the medical teams to treat those impacted by COVID-19, but also limit the exposure of those seeking the care of the physical therapist. “


Based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other trusted health organizations, we’re taking significant steps to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in all our facilities. To ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff, we take precautions every day and have increased these as follows:




·      COVID-19 is not spread through the breathing of a sick person. It is only spread through droplets emitted with a cough or sneeze (though a sneeze is not a sign of COVID-19) into the air or after the droplets land on a surface causing that surface to be contaminated (fomite).

·      The virus enters through the mouth, nose, and eyes either by airborne droplets or after touching a fomite and then putting your fingers in your mouth, nose, or eyes.

·      The virus particles can remain viable on surfaces for up to 24 hours or longer.



·      If you, or someone you live with has recently travelled outside the country, please reschedule your appointment until the 14 day period has passed.

First signs and symptoms of COVID-19 include:

o   Fever

o   Cough

o   Difficulty breathing

·      If you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath but have not been around anyone who you know has COVID-19, the likelihood that you have COVID- 19 is fairly low.

·      COVID-19 is circulating in some communities in Washington but several other respiratory viruses are circulating in Washington as well.

·      If you are concerned you have symptoms of the coronavirus, please refer to this document provided in office, our website, or from for steps to follow.



·      As a Physical Therapy Practice, we see patients of all ages, but we have particular concern for our patients that are at high risk. Patients at high risk include:

o   Older adults (over age 70)

o   People who have serious chronic medical conditions like:

§  Heart disease

§  Diabetes

§  Lung disease

·      Consult your physician of you are at high risk to determine the risk/benefit ratio of attending your PT appointment.

·      For the health and safety of yourself and others, DO NOT come to your appointment if you have developed a fever or feel ill.

·      Please contact your primary care physician for proper evaluation and treatment guidelines.

·      Do not come back to your appointment until you have been cleared by your primary care doctor.

For the health and safety of yourself and others, DO NOT come to your appointment if you are actively coughing or sneezing. While sneezing is not a sign of COVID-19, in an abundance of caution, we ask that if you have seasonal allergies or a head cold that is resulting in persistent sneezing or coughing that you do not come to your appointment.

Sometimes, a tickle in your throat or nose triggers a cough or sneeze. If you must cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow or into tissue.

·      If you cough or sneeze in the restroom, please let a Front Office Coordinator know so that we can properly disinfect the room.

Additional safety tips:

·      Use your non-dominant hand or a barrier such as a tissue or glove, to touch heavily shared surfaces, especially those you can’t wipe down (i.e., door knobs, gas pumps, faucets,...)

·      Try not to touch your face when you are out. If you must, use the back of your dominant hand.

·      Use your dominant hand to eat and to touch your face
.  Following these precautions will help to keep you healthy and safe

·      Following these precautions will help to keep you healthy and safe





·     We have removed all frequently touched surfaces from our reception desk. This includes pens (if you need a pen, we will give you one of ours to keep), business cards, brochures, and even our calendar. If you want any of these items, we are glad to provide you with them upon request.

·     We wipe down all surfaces with disinfecting wipes or spray disinfectant between each patient/client contact, including our credit card reader, laptop and computer keyboards, phones, treatment tables, and all equipment.

·     We wash our hands for recommended duration with soap and water or use disinfectant gel between each patient/client.

·     We ask our patients to also wash their hands with soap and water or use disinfectant gel (in limited supply). Hand washing is still the best deterrent to the spread of the virus.

·     We change pillow sheets and other linens after each patient/client contact.

·     We have disinfecting gel and tissue available at the front desk and at all workstations.

·     We will work to maintain six feet separation from employees and patients whenever possible.




·      We’re providing updated information as we consult local, state, and national public health organizations about recognizing symptoms and other precautions that reduce risk. All non-health care related staff have received additional training in cleaning and other best practices.




·      Staff are instructed to stay home if they have any signs or symptoms that include fever, cough or sneeze, or difficulty breathing.

·      Staff are asked to stay home until they have received clearance by their primary care doctor.

·      All staff will wear gloves and masks to reduce transmission.

·      Staff will maintain six feet separation whenever possible.

·      Staff will remove and wash all work clothing in company laundry machines to reduce transmission to home.

·      Staff will shower prior to leaving facility.


Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy will continue to stay open to serve your health care needs per Public Health Guidelines. We look forward to continuing to provide physical therapy services to keep you and your body in optimal health as we navigate this trying time. We assure you that we are remaining updated to the Public Health Guidelines from Tri-County Health District and Washington State Department of Health and will keep you abreast of new developments as they are communicated to us.


Everything we’re doing has one goal: ensuring the health and safety of our patients, clients, and team members.


Do not hesitate to call if you have any questions about your care at Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy.




Rob Sumner, PT