Sumner Specialized Physical Therapy

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Choose Your “P” Wisely…

Poor Posture = Pain                                                    Perfect Posture = Painless

Do you remember the days when 1) the nun in Catholic school would smack you across your forehead and tell you to “sit up straight” 2) if you were in the military and the drill sergeant would yell at you “attention” which meant to stand up straight with chest out and shoulders back.

Although they often came across to be very stern and grumpy, they actually were giving you excellent advice!

Everything in life is in front of us. Drive your car and the steering wheel is in front of you. Work at your desk and computer, it is in front of you. Sit down for supper, your food is in front of you.

When things are in front of us we tend to slump over forward towards it. This habit over time shortens the muscles in front and the muscles in the back side get weaker.

This causes an imbalance which in time can cause postural pains to our necks, shoulders, backs, and hips. It is important when you sit, the back of your shoulders are against the back of the chair. That your chair is pulled close enough to the table/steering wheel/computer that you are able to keep your shoulders against the back of your seat/chair.

When standing, stand up straight with chest out and shoulders back. If you have to stand still in one place alternate your weight from one leg to the other to change the stress on your back.

All of these things will decrease the odds of you acquiring postural pain.

Good posture everybody!